Friday, 11 July 2014

"Bad Dog"

What is history? I know for a fact that most of the stuff been said about me are nothing more than lies. Who's to say that the stuff we read in books or any other form are not lies too? We judge based on what? Are we really that sure that what it is presented to us is real? Do we really know what reality is? I came to find that most of the stuff i knew as a kid are true. Everything they taught me as history and what is the way to live are nothing more than bullshit. I have these flashbacks all of a sadden and i laugh with my self. How is this possible? I've been outsmarted by my own self as a kid! The 8yearold me is more wise than me now! In the end it comes down to 1 question. How much have i learned so far? And the answer is NOTHING! We live as consumers, we think as consumers, we act as consumers. We are nothing more than materialistic bastards! But what we consume is more than physical. We also consume information. It doesn't matter if the information is true or false. Still we consume it endlessly. Videos, movies, books, music ............... I wonder what it is that we consume more. And now you know. Information is the most consumable product. Bad news is that unlike food, you can't see if it's rotten or expired or simply not "eatable". For that reason you need your own common sense. You need to think for your self and not taking anyone's opinion for reality. But unfortunately people are really really stupid. They are deceived so easily on a daily basis. You see, like dogs, people are trained to do what they are told. Trained how to think. Trained how to live! Well, nothing more to say. I guess i'm a "bad dog".

p.s. We all know what they do to "bad dogs". They put them down.