Monday 16 December 2013


You don't like me? Turn around and look away. I will try to stay away from you but i can't promise you that you wont see me again. Deal with it. The rest is up to you. If i did something you didn't like you should come and tell me straight away. Not going around like a p*ssy and telling everybody about it. Am not going to apologize for something i don't know about. Am not being cruel, just realist. If you don't like it it's your problem and not mine. Learn to tell the difference between real and fake. Otherwise you will remain a p*ssy that goes and complaints to everyone. Deal with your problems and don't let others to do it for you. Stop being so useless.

Thursday 12 December 2013

Trying Hard

Am trying so hard. I really do. But no matter how hard i try, always something has to happen. Why? What's wrong? Is it my luck or my stupidity? I keep trying and trying and trying so so hard but again something happens and throws me down. Everything i do i fail. The only thing i achieve is failure itself. Why? For once can't i do something and achieve it? Am asking you. You two-face lying b*stard. How many times to you have to kill your own children so you can feed your own selfishness. You sick b*stard. How much more you want from us? Is that your purpose in life? To ruin your kids lives again and again? How many times you need to destroy our lives so you can be satisfied. But no matter what i say i know it's my fauld. For giving you countless chances to prove everyone wrong. I guess my dream for a family was too strong and made me blind. How stupid am i? Trusting you again was a big mistake. You live in world of your own where there's no one but you. Lying and betraying are your specialities. And the worst part you're too proud to care. Lets see when you're going to realise that you're going to be alone for the rest of your life. Congratulations dad. You f*cked my life again. Thank you very much.

Tuesday 10 December 2013

Good or Stupid?

What is the difference between someone good and someone stupid? I don't know how to put it in words but i can give you an example. Someone comes to you, asking for your help. It could be anyone. Family, friends... You try to help them anyway you can. After some time they come back and they ask for your help again. Since you helped them once, you can't say no. What happens if they come back again asking for more? You help them again and again and again and again. When they don't need you, they don't know you. When you need help no one's there. If they need something, they'll come straight to you. Even if you are in a bad situation they will still ask something from you. And as a stupid human that you are you help them again. You're not good my friend, you are stupid! Now that you are in need, where are they? Do they know you? Oh here they come again! They want something again. But you are in no position to help them. You say No and what happens? They spit on you like you're the worst person in the world. They hate you for it regardless of what you've done for them so far. Now please answer me the first question...

Sunday 8 December 2013

Blind Man

Knowledge is a fascinating thing. Without it we are lost. Without it we are blind. And as a blind person am telling you this. Never stop learning and most importantly never stop thinking on your own. You are not a pre-build robot. Think freely and act freely. It doesn't matter who you are and where you come from, you still have potentials. Find what you love and do it. It's not easy, nobody said it'll be, but still you have to do it. Fail as much as you want you can stand up and try again. I have no knowledge but at least am trying. Do not let others decide for you and tell you what you can or can't do. I don't know you and you don't know me but still as a "blind" man am supporting you. Do the same for others. Be free but not selfish. You deserve a better future. We all do. Am sitting here mostly disappointed. Don't let me be.

Friday 6 December 2013

A Boy's Story

You want to hear a story? A boy has one big sister and two big brothers. The boy lives on knowing who his family members are, but not all of them. Because of some unfortunate events, he didn't had the chance to meet them before. As the story goes, he suddenly learns that he has a small sister. That shocked him at first, but of course he wanted to see her. After 7 years he still wants to see her. Why so long? I ask myself the same question. Life is a very complicated thing. You never know what's going to happen next. You try to reach someone, but suddenly all these obstacles and people run and block your way. At some point the boy managed to travel across countries, looking for a better future and for a chance to meet his sister. Still again all this obstacles in the way. She lives in the next city but the boy can't see her. They don't allow him. So close but so far. All the boy can do now is wait for the right moment, counting every day until he can finally see someone he loved from the second he learned about her. Did you like the story? I don't. But the story is ongoing. How it ends only time will tell. And at this point i leave you with your own thoughts. Don't try to understand, just think that you are the boy and find someone you love to be the sister. Now you know.

Tuesday 3 December 2013

Professional thieves in high positions

Since when we became a big business? What am i saying. We always were. And the funny thing in this "business" is that we vote who will run it. And we're not talking about just presidents and prime-ministers but for the whole political world. To me they're nothing more than professional thieves in high positions. They lie and they steal everyday, and what are we doing about it? Nothing. Some of us don't care and some of us are too scared that if we talk they're going to put us down. Still the fact remains that our future is determined by them. And every mistake they make, we pay the price. In the end what can we do? If there's no communication between us how can we be united and stand up to professionals like them. This is a game that we already lost just because we play alone.

Sunday 1 December 2013

Equal Opportunities

They talk about equality. I say "bullshit". All i ever had was my brain and my guts. I started from zero. No matter where i was, i was treated like a piece of shit. It didn't matter how many skills i had and what knowledge. For them i was just a peasant. I had no money, no friends, no diplomas, no certificates, nothing. It didn't matter how much effort i pout into it, i was still worthless to them. All the potentials i had meant nothing. And now i want to ask. Where is that equality? Where is that equal treatment? Where are those equal opportunities? Why i was always the kid in the corner? Why i was always ignored? Why i was blamed for things i didn't do? Why was everybody picking on me? Why i had to pay for others mistakes? Why everyone betrayed me? Why i had to suffer? Why i was always alone? What the fuck did i do wrong? I hear about equality and i laugh. What a sick joke. Equal to what?